Quality Management Policy & Procedures

The Quality Management Framework Governance Level Principle outlines the "CASTELLO INDUSTRIES W.L.L" approach to quality management and articulates the principles that underpin the Corporate Management Committee quality management framework.

Safety, Health & Environment Policy

Our objective is to provide a quality safety, health, and environmental management system for the workplace.

To achieve this objective, CASTELLO INDUSTRIES W.L.L  will:


  • Regard compliance with applicable legal requirements and other obligations as a minimum standard, adopting practices across all our activities effectively.
  • Show total commitment from its leadership and co-operation from employees pursuing the target towards ZERO HARM.
  • Ensure that processes are implemented and continuously reviewed to identify hazards, and to assess risks associated with hazards so that control options are managed to eliminate or reduce the risk to the lowest possible ranking.
  • Promote and encourage a culture where all employees are proactively maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, including active promotion of safe work practices.
  • Endorse the principles of relevant legislation, standards, and best practices that impact the operation and work environment.
  • Ensure adequate resources to develop, implement, monitor, and review safety and environmental management systems.
  • Strive to prevent pollution and seek continual improvement with respect to emissions, discharges, wastes, and energy efficiency. resources consumption and overall environmental footprint and
  • Support employees in understanding the principles of this policy.
  • This is how we implement the policy
  • Introduce employees to the company culture through a comprehensive induction process with ongoing exposure to health, safety, and environmental information and knowledge through electronic, written, and oral.
  • Implement and continually review work practices and procedures to prevent injury to employees, equipment damage, and environmental impacts.
  • Ensure information and knowledge acquired from internal and external sources are made freely available and disseminated through inductions, training, safety notice boards, intranet, safety representatives, committees, and meetings.
  • Effectively investigate all incidents to fully understand the root cause to prevent reoccurrence of events and implement preventative actions.
  • Conduct regular inspections, audits, and reviews, then promptly follow up with compliance actions.
  • Establish measurable objectives and targets to promote a positive safety and environmental culture; and
  • Continue to review and improve the Safety and Environmental Management Systems.

Principal Objectives Of The Policy

  • To protect the safety and health and environment of company staff, workers, visitors, and any persons who may be affected by the Company's activities.
  • To protect the physical assets of the Company.
  • To protect the reputation of the Company.
  • To provide information on where individuals are relative to their overall safety, health, and environmental objectives.
  • To comply with relevant safety, health, and environmental legislation.
  • To assist the Company in achieving continual improvement in the management of safety, health, and environmental issues and
  • By association, ensure the Company's continuing productivity

Responsibility of the Safety Manager:
Safety Manager will have overall responsibility and accountability for ensuring that safety, health, and environmental risks are effectively monitored, managed and that periodic audits of the effectiveness of management structures and risk controls for safety health and environment are carried out.
In practice, the Safety Manager has delegated the authority for ensuring compliance with its obligations to the General Manager. The General Manager has further delegated authority to the Safety Manager and this is consistent with the delegation of other responsibilities within the Company.
Responsibility of the Safety Manager:
A) Ensuring the implementation of the Monitoring Policy by securing the commitment and co-operation of all Company's staff and workers;
B) Allocating adequate personnel and financial resources.
C) Agreeing on inspection, monitoring, and auditing procedures and protocols.
D) Ensuring that adequate and appropriate information from the monitoring and auditing systems is received in order to exercise effective control over safety, health, and environmental matters.
E) Agreeing arrangements for staff training, at all levels.
F) Regularly reviewing the Company's safety, health, and environmental performance, and agreeing on any necessary action plans.
G) Ensuring that the same management standards are applied to workplace inspections, monitoring, and audit as are applied to other management functions.
H) Ensuring that the organizational structure in place is appropriate to manage health and safety matters related to workplace inspections, monitoring, and audit issues.

Improvement For Ouality Management Policy

The loop is closed with the identification of any amendments in approach or deployment necessary to achieve the defined objectives or whether new objectives can be set to generate a new round of improvements.
CASTELLO INDUSTRIES W.L.L deploys a range of mechanisms and specific tools to implement a standard approach and hence to achieve continuous improvement. These include but are not limited to:

  • Strategic, functional, or organizational unit plan review procedures - Operational and unit review procedures
  • Organizational unit review procedures
  • Cyclical reviews of policies and procedures
  • Annual staff performance appraisals
  • Benchmarking.

These mechanisms and tools are described in specific policy and guideline documentation. In addition, the Internal Audit Strategy is a key mechanism for continuous quality improvement.
Quality management at CASTELLO INDUSTRIES W.L.L is predicated on evidence-based decision-making.
The Company established the Management Information and Reporting Unit (MIRU) and the organizational Units to provide data to assist decision-making. The Company is currently developing a more comprehensive Information and Knowledge Management Strategy.
While in the first instance, individual organizational units should seek to access centrally-held data, in many cases they will also need to establish and maintain evidence and data collection mechanisms to support continuous improvement processes.

Quality Policy