-Explain the structure of the CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L Quality Management Framework
-Specify how this framework operates -Outline the arrangements to embed across CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L practice of continuous improvement that focuses on enhancing outcomes for Management, Operations, Accounting, staff, partners, and other stakeholders.
- This policy applies to all organizational department and division units, all staff, and all functions of the company.
Quality Management Framework
-The quality management framework is a whole-of-company framework that links strategic direction setting, planning, and quality. It is aligned with the budgeting and risk management systems.
-The CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L Quality management framework has been developed to assist our endeavors.
- Ensure that we satisfy the needs and expectations of all clients and other stakeholders.
- Guarantee that we meet or exceed the threshold or minimum requirements in all areas ( regular to r y, operations, and administrative).
-Achieve our aspiration to excellence in all that we do and embody our commitment to reflective practice and continuous improvement.
CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.LL quality management framework.
- Is driven by the Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals laid down in the Strategic Plan.
- Reflects the nested hierarchy of organizational levels from the Board of Directors, through the Senior Management Team, subsidiary units, and general staff.
- Further reflects the two-way nature of effective quality management influence from Senior Management to individual staff members and from individual staff members to Senior Management (that is, both top-down and bottom-up).
- Involves the alignment of all functional, organizational unit, and individual staff m e m b e r plans with the Company Strategic Plan.
- Is underpinned by a Company-wide governance and policy framework of ordinances, rules, governance level principles, policies, and procedures, supported by local level procedures, guidelines, and work instructions.
- Is further supported by performance management and professional development programs.
- Emphasis's the two essential and fundamentally intertwined dimensions of planning for quality and improving quality.
-CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L approach to quality management embodies continuous improvement, in a cycle of planning, implementation, review and improvement. Continuous improvement is therefore integral to CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L plans and planning. The Company actively plans for quality as well as seeking opportunities to improve quality.
-The underlying approach can be used to review any aspect of CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L, at any level from the Strategic Plan to operational plans for any organizational units or functions. It is deployed using a variety of specific tools.
The specific elements are outlined below.
Objectives are established and aligned at the CASTELLO CAST ALUMINIUM W.L.L-wide, organizational unit and individual staff levels.
Approaches are developed and/or established to achieve the objectives, including action plans, strategies and processes; performance measures are selected to facilitate the later assessment of whether the objectives have been met.
The approaches to achieve the objectives are put into effect, supported by the required infrastructure, facilities and resources, as well as professional development programs to ensure staff understand the approaches and are properly prepared to carry them out.
The outcomes are monitored and evaluated using the performance measures and an assessment is made as to whether the objectives have been met appropriately.
Meanwhile the main contractor and a consolatory company aiming to execute the projects in the plant they had, CASTELLO CAST ALUMINUM W.L.L plays the main supporter to accomplish the projects in a very and recognized period, and that gives them the flexibility to complete the work on time.
As CASTELLO CAST ALUMINUM W.L.L is a big company we keep up to date with all developments which may happen during executing the work, and we always have alternative plans that keep the projects on the safe side making our excellent performance at the service of both, main contractor and Consultancy Company.